Conditions and useful information
Useful information
Check in
From 15:00 to 20:00
In case of arrival outside these opening hours, it is imperative to notify us on 02 40 61 03 08 , when you arrive at the hotel entrance and FOR PRIVACY AND SECURITY REASONS you will need to ring and identify yourself so that we can open for you.
Check out
From 07:00 to 11:00
Free cancellation until 00:00, 2 day(s) before your arrival
In case of cancellation after this time, or no show at the hotel, the first night will be charged.
Free cancellation up to 2 day(s) before arrival.
After this time, the amount corresponding to the first night of the stay will be charged.
The same amount will be charged in case of no-show or early departure.
GROUP RESERVATION (from 5 rooms):
Reservations are made directly with the hotel by phone 02 40 61 03 08 or by mail
A deposit of 30% will be required to confirm the reservation.
Free cancellation up to 48 hours before arrival. After this time, the deposit remains with the hotel.
General cancellation policy applicable on all rates, excluding special rates that specify specific cancellation policies
WIFI is available without charge
Breakfast available for 12,50 €
Breakfast in room available for a supplement of 5,50 €
Breakfast at 9,00 € for children under 10
Free breakfast for children under 3
Parking is available close to the hotel
Children stay free in parents' room up to 2 years
Extra beds are not available
Baby cots are available on reservation
People with Disabilities
The configuration of our establishment does not allow us to accommodate people with reduced mobility
Animals are accepted
Animals incur a charge of 12,00 € / animal / night
Accepted payment methods
- Visa
- Euro/Mastercard
- Carte Bleue
- American Express
- Espèce
- Chèque Vacances
- Virement bancaire
Tourism tax
1,10 € (per person, per night)